
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

TIPS: Cleaning your plants!!

 馃崈馃崈馃崈馃崈馃崈馃崈Keeping your plants clean is an essential part of their care routine. Regular cleaning helps remove dust, pests, and promotes healthy growth. Here are some tips to effectively clean your plants: Dusting the Leaves: Gently wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth or sponge to remove dust. Avoid using rough materials that may scratch or damage the leaves. For small plants or those with delicate foliage, you can use a soft-bristled brush, like a paintbrush, to gently brush away the dust. Showering or Spraying: For larger plants or those with sturdy leaves, you can take them to the shower or use a handheld showerhead to rinse the leaves with lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can use a spray bottle filled with water to mist the leaves, providing a similar effect to rainwater and removing dust in the process. Cleaning Indoor Plants: To avoid water damage or excess moisture, place a tray or saucer under the pot to catch any water runoff during cleaning. Be cautious not to wet the

Plants for sale

Some of the plants we have for sale馃尡 -Aloe Vera -Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) -Peperomia -Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) -Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) -Golden Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) -African Violet (Saintpaulia) -Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) -Powder Puff Cactus (Mammillaria plumosa) -Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus) -Snake Plant (Sansevieria) -Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) -Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) -Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) -English Ivy (Hedera helix) -Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa) -Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) -Philodendron -ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) -Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

Steps to buy on our website

 If you wish to buy from our plant website, follow these simple steps: 馃憤 1.Browse our website: Explore our website to see what types of plants we offer, our prices and any promotions or discounts that are available. 2.Select the plants you want: Once you have found the plants you like, add them to your shopping cart. Be sure to check the quantity and variety of plants you wish to purchase. 3.Check your shopping cart: Before finalizing your purchase, check your shopping cart to make sure you have everything you need. If necessary, make adjustments to the quantity or variety of plants you want. 4.Complete your shipping information: Provide your shipping address, contact information and any other information required for shipping your plants. Make sure all information is accurate and up to date. 5.Select your payment method: Select your preferred payment method, whether it's credit card, bank transfer, or another option that is available. 6.Review and confirm your order: Before final

Start your garden

 Starting a garden can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit intimidating if you have no previous experience. Here are some tips to help you get started with your garden 馃尦馃尩馃崁馃尶馃尯馃尰馃尲馃尭馃尮馃崈 Choose a suitable location: Find a spot on your property that has enough sunlight and space for your plants. Make sure the soil is suitable for the type of plants you want to grow. If you don't have an outdoor space, you can also start a container garden on a balcony or in a window. Choose the right plants: Start with easy-to-care-for plants that suit your climate and experience level. Seasonal plants such as tomatoes, peppers and herbs are a good choice for beginners. You can also consider perennials such as wildflowers or ornamental shrubs. Prepare the soil: Before planting, it is important to prepare the soil to make sure your plants have the nutrients they need to grow. Add compost, compost or fertilizer to the soil to improve its quality and drainage. Water prop

Tips for water

The amount and frequency of watering can vary depending on the type of plant, the climate and the time of year. Here are some general tips for watering your plants effectively: 馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦馃挦 1.Check substrate moisture: Before watering your plants, check the moisture in the substrate. You can do this by sticking a finger into the substrate up to the second phalanx. If the substrate feels moist, there is no need to water. If it is dry, it is time to water. 2.Water at the right time: It is best to water your plants in the early morning or evening, when temperatures are cooler and sunlight is not as intense. Watering during the hottest hours can cause water to evaporate before the roots can absorb it. 3.Use the right amount of water: The amount of water a plant needs varies depending on the size of the plant and the type of substrate. In general, it is best to water plants less frequently but with more water each time. Make sure the water reaches all the plant's roots. 4.Avoid o

Transplanting plants

Transplanting plants is an important task in plant care, especially if they are growing in a pot or container. Here are some basic steps for transplanting your plants: 馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌馃挌 1.Choose the right time: The best time to transplant your plants is in early spring, when the plants are starting to grow again. You can also transplant during the fall, when temperatures are cooler and plants are in their resting period. 2.Prepare the new container: Choose a new container that is slightly larger than the one you currently have. Clean the container with soap and water to make sure it is free of any pests or diseases. 3.Prepare the plant: Water the plant a day or two before transplanting to make sure it is hydrated. Carefully remove the plant from the current container, making sure not to damage the roots. 4.Prepare the substrate: Add fresh substrate to the bottom of the new container. You can use a commercial substrate mix or make your own mix with soil, perlite and compost. 5.Transp

Benefits of having plants

 馃尡馃尭馃彙馃榿 Purify the air: Plants can filter toxins from the air, which can improve the air quality in your home. Some plants in particular, such as bamboo palm, peace lily and ficus, are known for their ability to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. Reduce stress: Being surrounded by plants can reduce stress and anxiety levels. Plants can help create a relaxing and calming environment, which can be especially beneficial for those who work from home or spend a lot of time indoors. Improve sleep quality: Plants can help improve sleep quality by regulating the humidity and temperature in your bedroom. Some plants, such as lavender and jasmine, also emit relaxing fragrances that can promote deeper, more restful sleep. Increase productivity: Having plants in your work or study space can improve productivity and concentration. Plants can help reduce eyestrain and improve overall well-being, which can increase attention span and performance. Add color and texture: Plants ca

Tips: Fertilizers

✅  Different types of fertilizers Organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers are made from natural materials, such as manure, compost, ground bones and seaweed. They are slow-release, which means plants receive nutrients gradually and over an extended period of time. Organic fertilizers are an excellent choice for those looking for a natural and sustainable option. 馃尦 Chemical fertilizers: Chemical fertilizers are made from synthetic nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They are quick-release, which means that plants receive nutrients immediately after application. Chemical fertilizers are a good choice for those looking for a quick and effective solution to increase plant growth and production. 馃尡 Liquid fertilizers: Liquid fertilizers are applied directly to the soil or sprayed on plant leaves. They are quick-release and provide a large amount of nutrients immediately. Liquid fertilizers are an excellent choice for plants that need a quick boost of nutrients. 馃尲 Granu

Why us

馃憖 Why us? -Be conscious馃槉 -Committed in environmental improvement馃崁 -Highest quality馃挭 -Cared for by our experienced growers馃槍 -We sell the best quality plants at the best prices馃崈 -Safe delivery馃殨 -Straight from our nursery to your house馃彔 -Pest and disease free馃榾 -Every plant is pest and disease free馃槅


馃槑 Welcome to "DV Green" we are a group of people passionate about nature, dedicated to the passion for plants and gardening. 馃尩 馃槏 We love to help people learn more about plants and how to care of them properly, whether they are starting their firs garden, orchard or are already experienced gardeners. 

Our story

  馃懌We are a plant lovers couple, Our story begins with our passion for gardening and the orchard馃尶馃崈.  For years, we spent hours exploring the outdoors, learning about differents plants species and how the vegetables grown馃崉. Years later, we decided to pursue our passion for plants and create a business that would allow others to experience the joy and benefits of gardening and orchard. DV Green was born from that passion, and we have been providing high-quality, healthy plants to our customers ever since.  Our mission is to help people connect with nature and create beautiful, sustainable environments in their homes and communities.馃榿