Transplanting plants

Transplanting plants is an important task in plant care, especially if they are growing in a pot or container. Here are some basic steps for transplanting your plants:


1.Choose the right time: The best time to transplant your plants is in early spring, when the plants are starting to grow again. You can also transplant during the fall, when temperatures are cooler and plants are in their resting period.

2.Prepare the new container: Choose a new container that is slightly larger than the one you currently have. Clean the container with soap and water to make sure it is free of any pests or diseases.

3.Prepare the plant: Water the plant a day or two before transplanting to make sure it is hydrated. Carefully remove the plant from the current container, making sure not to damage the roots.

4.Prepare the substrate: Add fresh substrate to the bottom of the new container. You can use a commercial substrate mix or make your own mix with soil, perlite and compost.

5.Transplant the plant: Place the plant in the new container, making sure it is level. Add more substrate around the plant and press gently to make sure it is secure.

6.Water the plant: After transplanting, water the plant well to help settle the substrate and make sure the plant is hydrated.


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