Tips for water

The amount and frequency of watering can vary depending on the type of plant, the climate and the time of year. Here are some general tips for watering your plants effectively:


1.Check substrate moisture: Before watering your plants, check the moisture in the substrate. You can do this by sticking a finger into the substrate up to the second phalanx. If the substrate feels moist, there is no need to water. If it is dry, it is time to water.

2.Water at the right time: It is best to water your plants in the early morning or evening, when temperatures are cooler and sunlight is not as intense. Watering during the hottest hours can cause water to evaporate before the roots can absorb it.

3.Use the right amount of water: The amount of water a plant needs varies depending on the size of the plant and the type of substrate. In general, it is best to water plants less frequently but with more water each time. Make sure the water reaches all the plant's roots.

4.Avoid overwatering: Overwatering can be detrimental to plants. If the substrate stays wet for too long, the roots can rot and the plant can become diseased or die. If you are not sure if your plant needs water, it is best to wait and check the substrate moisture again later.

5.Consider the season and climate: The amount and frequency of watering can vary according to the season and climate. In general, plants need more water in the summer months and less in the winter months. If you live in a very dry climate, your plants may need water more often.


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